SMS campaigns

We offer user-friendly AMS-SMS service which allows to carry on SMS campaigns through bulk distribution of short text messages to customers in various cellular networks.

  • AMS-SMS service is dedicated to companies which look for fast customer communication, including broadcast.
  • AMS-SMS is an effective and reasonably priced tool that facilitates communication e.g. in marketing campaigns, in loyalty telecos, as it allows to send SMS automatically in certain periods.

AMS-SMS allows to control SMS:

  • AMS-SMS is available via any tool e.g. www or module that is embedded in client's app,
  • Sending SMS is possible as soon as the single phone number is introduced or after introducing the list of numbers taken from a file. Reports are available.
  • The advantage of AMS-SMS service is the possibility of sending SMS with so-called branding. In the area of a sender of SMS there is written an extra information like the name of the company or the phone number.